Emergency Training This Saturday

This Saturday, February 22nd from 0845-11:30 there will be a get-together at the Monterey Fire Station on Pacific. The training topics to be covered include:
CERT Emergency First-Aid
Rescue techniques
This is a great way to meet your neighbors and learn a bit more about safety in our community.

New CERT Class

The next CERT class begins Thursday, March 6th and continues each Thursday through April 17th, 2014. Class time each evening is 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. To enroll, reply to [email protected] with an e-mail containing the following information. Persons without e-mail may leave a phone message at 831-646-3416:

Your full name
Physical address
Mailing address if different
Home and cell phone numbers
E-mail address you use most often

We will reply with a confirmation of your enrollment. Please plan on attending all 7 evenings of instruction.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. While post class involvement is encouraged, such as participation in quarterly training exercises and joining a neighborhood CERT Team, there is no requirement that you remain with the program after completing the initial training.

CERT training is offered free of charge and family participation is encouraged.

Mass Warning and Notification System Test

The Navy has plans to test its Giant Voice Mass Warning and Notification System. Expect to hear what sounds like someone on a loud speaker, sirens, wails, and broadcasting of various canned disaster messages.

This test will include Tsunami warning sirens, HAZMAT Shelter-in-Place, as well as several live voice broadcast from individual speakers and all speakers at once to fully test the system. Before each announcement or siren you will here “Test, this is a test of the Navy Mass warning and notification system, please disregard all alerts”

The speakers for the alert system are located at on LaMesa Village, FNMOC, and the NPS Campus. Areas immediately outside the installations, (Monterey, Seaside, and Del Rey Oaks, etc) will hear the sirens and voice warnings.

The testing will be conducted between October 22 to October 30.

Neighborhood Meeting

We’ve all found that Nextdoor is a great place to connect with your neighbors online and meet up in person. Several lost pets have been found and returned, new issues have been discussed and most importantly we’ve been able to connect with each other.

This Sunday, October 6th at 3:00PM at the Bay View Academy Auditorium (corner of Casa Verde and Del Monte Blvd) we’ll be having a general meeting and elections. Everyone is welcome to come. It’s a great chance to meet with your neighbors and hear about and discuss new events or neighborhood concerns.

Becoming a member of the neighborhood association only costs $10 and membership is open to homeowners and renters alike. Food and refreshments will be provided.

We hope to see you there!