Neighborhood Emergency Radio Drill

Monterey’s diverse topography makes it vulnerable to a wide variety of natural disasters, and here at Del Monte Beach we could be cut off from the rest of the peninsula if there were ever a flood or tsunami. After hurricanes Katrina and Sandy; both areas lost cellphones and Internet for up to a month. Monterey is leading the nation in communications emergency preparedness and we’d like for you to join your neighbors in preparing for any potential disasters.

On the second Monday of every month we conduct a short radio drill. It is the easiest meeting you will ever attend. You simply need to have a radio and have it turned on at 8PM. Our next drill will be on Monday June 9th.

Monterey has three FCC-licensed frequencies that are dedicated to our emergency response communications. If you would like to participate please send me a message as I have a few extra radios. These are part of the City’s Community Emergency Response Team. If you would like to purchase your own radio to have and to monitor, to stay prepared and participate at any time, these are the radios we are using: Wouxun KG-UV3D Dual Band 128 Channel Handheld Amateur Radio

I hope to hear from you and to assist in a neighborhood based solution for any potential future disaster.

Remember; when disaster strikes, the time to prepare has passed.

Neighborhood Emergency Response Training

Hi Neighbors.

The next Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training class has been announced for September 13, 20 & 21st. This 21 hour instruction is free of charge.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist their families and others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.

To enroll email: [email protected] or call 831-646-3416.

Beach Cleanup Today!

Celebrate Earth Day by cleaning up Del Monte Beach, and celebrate volunteer efforts with a lunch potluck afterward. Yoga session begins at 9am.

Save Our Shores is sponsoring a Monterey Beach Cleanup at Del Monte Beach from 10am-Noon, April 19th (Meet us in the parking lot of Wharf #2)

All materials provided, but please consider bringing your own reusable buckets, gloves, bags, and water bottles to help reduce
trash. Individuals and groups welcome.
We will also be having a free yoga class before the cleanup from 9am-10am from local instructor, Lindsay Jackson!

For groups of 10 or more people, please email [email protected].

Neighborhood Improvment Program (NIP)

This is a quick survey of NIP proposals that have been submitted by fellow neighbors for our neighborhood as well as around the city:

A NIP project is any public improvement (not on private property) that improves streets, storm drains, sewers, sidewalks, walkways, lighting, traffic control devices, landscaping and beautification, parks, recreational facilities and other public building improvements.

Established in 1985, the Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP) directs tourist-generated dollars directly back into the City’s residential neighborhoods. Under a Charter Amendment, at least 16 percent of the money collected through hotel taxes (Transient Occupancy Tax) must be spent on neighborhood and community improvements. Each fiscal year, a committee consisting of Monterey residents considers all submitted projects and recommends which projects should be funded. Several community wide meetings are held and projects are finally voted on by the NIP committee.

More Vehicle Break-Ins

Last night we had another vehicle break-in on Seafoam Avenue. This is the second break-in on Seafoam in just over a week. This is in addition to the break-ins on Tide Avenue. It is recommended to keep your doors locked and all valuables out of sight to help prevent crimes of opportunity. If you have experienced a theft or witness a crime please call the police dispatch at 831-646-3830.

Vehicle Break-Ins

Over the weekend approximately four to five vehicles were broken into on Tide Ave. Unattended items in the vehicles were taken. If you see suspicious activity in the neighborhood call 911 or the Police Department non-emergency line at 831-646-3830. Vehicle break-ins in our neighborhood are not new, but can be deterred by following some of the advice offered by the police department below.

* Don’t leave spare keys in your vehicle. An experienced thief knows all the hiding places.
* Replace knob-type door lock buttons with tapered ones.
* Install an alarm system that will sound when someone attempts to break in, move, tilt, or start your vehicle. Always activate the system when leaving the vehicle.
* Check your vehicle if you hear the alarm sound. But don’t try to stop a person attempting to break in. Get a good description of the person and call 911.
* When you lock your vehicle with a Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) fob make sure that all the doors are locked before leaving your vehicle, especially in public parking lots. There has been an increase in the use of jammers to prevent the RKE signal from activating the door locks.